Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Prophet of Doom

The Prophet of Doom My response to Mr. Mohammed Alam
Mr. Ali Sina

You are the most intelligent person I have ever seen in my whole life. You say "No" to Mohammed "No" to Buddha. So basically you want everyone to worship you?
No dear Mohammed Alam. I assure you that I am not a narcissist and do not have any needs for anyone praising me let alone worshipping me. I find the very notion of worshipping, primitive and silly. Actually I think even following someone else is foolish. The only thing that deserves to be worshiped is the quest for truth and that can be attained by constant doubting. Truth itself is not attainable; it is the quest of it that needs to be pursued.
Even though you say it sarcastically, let me assure you I am by no means the most intelligent person. In fact sometimes I do the dumbest things. To see the evil of Islam, you don’t have to be the most intelligent person. All you have to do is use commonsense.
I read the comment of Andy Jones and from there I came to a conclusion that you are creating an army of non Muslim to fight with Muslims.
You certainly misunderstood my words. I have no desire to create any army. All I want to do is to make the truth prevail so lives can be saved, terrorism defeated and a nuclear disaster averted. If I am mistaken, prove me wrong.
I wrote to Andy Jones that all men are created equal. No one is above the other. Each one of us has special talents. Not everyone can become a Mozart, but this does not mean no other person can ever reach him or surpass him. All records can be broken and people can surpass even Buddha who was an ordinary man who became enlightened. I strive to be a Buddha and so should everybody else. It is not befitting for us humans to follow another human no matter how outlandish his claim maybe. The more outlandish is the claim the more bogus it is. We should learn from the wisdom of our sages but not follow them, rather try to surpass them.
You will be very happy to know that you have almost succeeded. Last night 8 non-Muslim BUTCHERS have beaten my brother and his friends black and blue for only 1 reason "THEY WERE MUSLIM" I think you are converting Muslims by beating them.
You can rest assured that those who read this site are not the butcher type and if those butcher types read this site there is a chance that they stop being thugs and beating Muslims. This site is created to help Muslims see the light and leave the cult of hate. It by no means arouses the hatred of Muslims in people and needless to say it certainly does not condone violence against Muslims. The reason those thugs beat your brother and his friends, (assuming that they did not cause it; because in most cases Muslims initiate the violence) is that Muslims, inspired by their prophet are acting with savagery everywhere. People everywhere are becoming angry of Muslims because everyday Muslims are bombing and killing innocent people to appease their bloodthirsty deity. The patience of the people is wearing out and it is very natural to react to violence with violence. The dislike and animosity towards the Muslims is on the rise. This is not because of this site that vehemently is against violence, it is because of your terrorist brothers and the approval, justification and rationalization of Muslims of what they do. Three years before 9/11 I started warning people of the dangers of Islam. Few people paid attention then. Your terrorist brothers heightened the interest. It is Muslims' actions that drives people to this site for answers. We are trying to make the world see that Muslims are the victims of a disease called Islam. It is Islam that must be eradicated. Once Islam is demolished and Muslims are freed from this web of lies and hate, you’ll find them to be just as good as anyone else.
So say who spreads hatred: Mohammed or you?
Of course Muhammad! It is Muhammad who says slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, they are najis, God hates them, they will go to hell and will drink boiling water, slit their throats from above their necks, God wants to punish them with your hands, etc. Do you find anything similar to that in my writings? How can Muslims love those whom they think Allah hates so much? Why they should be kinder to disbelievers than Allah?
Because of YOU, there will be a very big Hindu-Muslim war in south Asia because you are influencing Hindus to take sword against Muslims.
Those who read my site, if they listen to what I say, will never want to hurt any Muslim. If there is going to be a war it is because of the constant violence of Muslims and not because of what I write. People react to violence and even the Hindus who believe in ahimsa and non-violence have a threshold to their tolerance. There is only so much you Muslims can push. For every action there is a reaction. The more you add to your violence and terrorism, the more people will despise you.
In Mumbai most peoples have seen your site and now they are trying to stop all loud speakers used for azan. What is wrong with that? Why everyone should be subjected to the loud and obnoxious bray of azan? Why you think you have the right to cause noise pollutions and annoy others? Yes Muslims should not be allowed to disturb people with azan. Practice your demonic cult silently. Do Muslims allow a church or a Hindu temple to be built in an Islamic country, let alone ring their bells? So what gives you the right to not only build mosques but also cause noise pollutions with loudspeakers in non-Muslim countries? Do you see how from a victim mode you immediately shift to demanding especial privileges? You are innocent. This is the Islamic way of thinking. You behave in this way almost subconsciously. You are programmed, almost like a zombie. Once you leave Islam, you start seeing things under different light and will see you are not the center of the universe but there are also others who have right and their rights are just as important as yours. As long as you remain a Muslim, this concept remains beyond your ken. You see yourself as the chosen person, the one who is on the right side and others are the misguided and the doomed ones who not only will be burned forever in hell but also have no right to breath on this eart

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