Sunday, June 29, 2008

Islam is a Peaceful Religion

by The Average Joe
19 Dec, 2006

Islam is a Peaceful Religion

“Islam is a peaceful religion.”

They’ll tell you that straight to your face.

And they’ll swear that it’s true,

Unless, of course, youAren’t a Muslim,

then it’s not the case.

Sunnis,they all hate the Shiah.

The Shiah hate Sunnis as well.

But there’s no debating,

When it comes to hating,

They both hate the damned Infidel.

Just who is an Infidel, really?

It’s you and your kids and your mom.

If you’ve an aversion

To enforced conversion

You’re targets to “peaceful Islam”.

“Islam is a peaceful religion.”

We hear it all night on TV.

Each time that it’s said

We can count on more dead,

Who are peaceful as peaceful can be.

“Death!” cries the “peaceful religion”.

They shout it ‘til they’re out of breath.

“Death to the Hindu!”

And “Death to the Jew!”

And “Death to America! Death!”

“It’s just a small group of fanatics.”

We’re told after each new assault.

“Ignore those who rant.

Heed not those who chant.

And, besides, it’s America’s fault.”

“Islam is a peaceful religion.”

With hypnotic rhetoric they

Continue to gull us,

To soothe and to lull us

Until that “most glorious day”

When Islam, the “peaceful religion”

Has forced the free world to its knees

And the masks they now wear

From their faces they tear

And we see the true face of disease.

“Islam is a peaceful religion.”?

How long must we live with this lie?

It’s time for the Free

To rise up and decree:

“Our Liberty shall never die!”

We must tell this “peaceful religion”

Our tolerance is at an end.

We’ve been patient and kind

But you’re going to find

We won’t break just because we can bend.

Know this, Oh “peaceful religion”

And know it without any doubt.

Though we try to be fair,

You don’t want to be there

When our patience and kindness run out.

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